Cadence Child & Adolescent Therapy, an evidence-based clinic founded in Washington State, is seeking experienced Post-Doctoral Fellows with interest in building mastery in evidence-based treatment. We have three primary teams 1) Dialectical Behavior Therapy 2) Eating Disorders and 3) Anxiety & OCD. Based on training goals and population of interest, Post-Doctoral fellows at our satellite location in the Bay will have the opportunity to train in Eating Disorders, DBT or both treatment tracks.
Our robust mix of supervision and learning experiences include the utilization of session recordings, individual and group supervision, on-line training, video models of interventions, and 4+ hours of didactic training each week with an eye to developing both adherence to treatment and mastery of transdiagnostic principles.
The integrated eating disorder care team is led by former faculty member of Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Stephanie Clarke, who trained with one of the treatment developers of Family Based Treatment and former Director of the Adolescent Outpatient Eating Disorders Program at Oakland Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Dr. Haleh Kashani.
The DBT team is led by Clinical Directors who worked directly with the treatment developer of DBT, Dr. Marsha Linehan, and our DBT training offers fellows an opportunity to be eligible for DBT Certification by the Linehan Board of Certification. Cadence is a DBT – Linehan Board Certification Program and is home to one of the largest concentrations of Linehan Board Certified clinicians.
The Cadence Team Culture
Cadence values developing an anti-racist culture and clinical practices. We welcome and foster a diverse workplace and have dedicated time as a staff team to build on this work and value together. Candidates from marginalized communities and non-traditional educational/work histories are encouraged to apply.
How to Apply For Our Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Desired applicants will have a background in Behavior Therapy and a willingness to learn and develop mastery in evidence-based treatments. Experience with adolescents & families is desired and not required.
Interested applicants should submit the following items to
- A letter of interest
- CV
- (3) letters of reference (can be submitted by Supervisors/Advisors separately and directly)
Applications are due 12/01/2022. We encourage submission at the earliest possible date.